Do you wish you had someone to explain all of the GPA, Graduation Requirements, Scholarship Info, and more to you?

You’re not alone. Our Newsome Guidance department is staffed by some truly amazing people who really care about our students. The problem is, we have a LOT of students, and only a handful of counselors and guidance staff and their duties go far beyond actual student/parent meetings and counseling. This can make it difficult to answer everyone’s questions and concerns.

Coming Soon

We will have a regular, recorded message from Mr. Sandfrey that will help to answer some of the most frequently asked questions and provide insight into things you never knew you needed to know! Dates and details will be announced here on the PTSA website as well as on our Facebook page as soon as we have them.

In the meantime, Mr. Sandfrey would like to share information on one very important topic that will be affecting more and more students, especially as they graduate:

Students Enrolled in Classes and Work Programs Off Campus

“More and more students are taking classes away from Newsome High School. At present, we have 820+ periods affected by approximately 400 students leaving Newsome at some point during the school day. This means that many young people are off campus in unsupervised activities. Many students are pursuing college classes off campus, virtual school opportunities, or involvement in our job training programs.

We encourage parents to monitor their child’s progress (with the help of a counselor), to be involved in scheduling decisions, to have awareness of where their children are, and to reflect on the impact these off campus experiences to college and career planning. Overall, this results in a large population of students being at home and in our community. More and more students are pursuing non-challenging/non-college preparatory virtual classes for the purpose of leaving Newsome. 

Newsome High School will always push students to take the most challenging classes they are capable of. “